
Use R Notebooks for development. Notebooks are self contained and can be emailed as a single document, like a MS Word file.

  1. File > New File > R Notebook
  2. Edit your R Markdown file
  3. Click the “Preview” button in the script editor to render the document


HTML Documents

Use HTML documents for more fixed content. HTML Documents will cache better and potentially load faster.

  1. File > New File > R Markdown... > Document > HTML
  2. Edit your R Markdown file
  3. Click the “Knit” button in the script editor to render the document


Learn More

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide book by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund

R We Having Fun Yet‽ -- Learning Series
Center for Data & Visualization Sciences
Duke University Libraries
John R Little